Weight Control
There are over 1,000 acupuncture points on the human body. Each "point" has different healing attributes. When treating for different ailments, different points are tapped into.The treatment will stimulate the production of endorphins which are the "feel good" chemicals. This helps to fight cravings for carbohydrates, decrease appetite, and in instance of substance abuse, help with withdrawal symptoms.
Inserting acupuncture needles superficially into various parts of the body can facilitate weight loss by giving the person a feeling of well-being which can suppress the desire for excess food. Acupuncture also can stimulate metaboliscm and thereby enable the body to utilize food efficiently instead of storing it as fat.
Weight Control Acupuncture Points The specific points used for each patient at each treatment depend on many individual factors. The acupuncture practitioner determines which points should be used with regard to the patient's fat distribution, emotional status, eating habits and other factors. Also, acupuncture points within the ear are used for general detoxification and weight loss.
Inserting acupuncture needles superficially into various parts of the body can facilitate weight loss by giving the person a feeling of well-being which can suppress the desire for excess food. Acupuncture also can stimulate metaboliscm and thereby enable the body to utilize food efficiently instead of storing it as fat.
Weight Control Acupuncture Points The specific points used for each patient at each treatment depend on many individual factors. The acupuncture practitioner determines which points should be used with regard to the patient's fat distribution, emotional status, eating habits and other factors. Also, acupuncture points within the ear are used for general detoxification and weight loss.
Inserting acupuncture needles superficially into various parts of the body can facilitate weight loss by giving the person a feeling of well-being which can suppress the desire for excess food. Acupuncture also can stimulate metaboliscm and thereby enable the body to utilize food efficiently instead of storing it as fat.
Weight Control Acupuncture Points The specific points used for each patient at each treatment depend on many individual factors. The acupuncture practitioner determines which points should be used with regard to the patient's fat distribution, emotional status, eating habits and other factors. Also, acupuncture points within the ear are used for general detoxification and weight loss.
Diet and exercise are helpful in any program of weight reduction. Most people who come for acupuncture treatments, however, have been given diets and exercise regimens before. They may have good knowledge of what they should and shouldn't eat but they feel depressed or irritable when they try to stay on a diet. Acupuncture should relieve such problems and improve will power along with aiding in weight loss.
Acupuncture, Obesity & Weight Loss The actual weight loss to be expected is about two to four pounds a week. Six to ten acupuncture treatments are usually sufficient, and these can be given once or twice a week. Weight loss should continue after the treatments are completed until normal weight is achieved. The effects of acupuncture usually last at least six months and sometimes a year or more. If the desire to eat excessively returns at any time in the future, a few more acupuncture treatments should relieve it.
Weight Control Acupuncture Points The specific points used for each patient at each treatment depend on many individual factors. The acupuncture practitioner determines which points should be used with regard to the patient's fat distribution, emotional status, eating habits and other factors. Also, acupuncture points within the ear are used for general detoxification and weight loss.
Diet and exercise are helpful in any program of weight reduction. Most people who come for acupuncture treatments, however, have been given diets and exercise regimens before. They may have good knowledge of what they should and shouldn't eat but they feel depressed or irritable when they try to stay on a diet. Acupuncture should relieve such problems and improve will power along with aiding in weight loss.
Acupuncture, Obesity & Weight Loss The actual weight loss to be expected is about two to four pounds a week. Six to ten acupuncture treatments are usually sufficient, and these can be given once or twice a week. Weight loss should continue after the treatments are completed until normal weight is achieved. The effects of acupuncture usually last at least six months and sometimes a year or more. If the desire to eat excessively returns at any time in the future, a few more acupuncture treatments should relieve it.